Sunday, October 21, 2012


NINJA WEIGHS NINE POUNDS NOW!!! That is a HUGE improvement for this skinny kitty. It's not that he under eats, in fact he OVER eats!!! But he just runs around and burns all those kitty calories. So last time I weighed him he weighed 8 pounds, but now he weighs 9!! Now I know you are probably not interested in the weight of my cat, so maybe you will be more interested if it can help you track the weight of YOUR cat. First is how to weigh them, now one way could be to drive to Publix and set the cat on the scale to weigh your vegetables, but the clerks might not be so happy about that, maybe not though. So another weigh (get it???) that I use is to step on a scale holding your cat, write that down, then step on it without the cat, and subtract the weight of the you holding the cat, from you without the cat. Make sense?? Probably not, I bet it went threw one ear and out the other, now here is an example.

So Bobby stepped on the scale with his cat "Puffleman" The weight was 24 pounds. Then Bobby set down "Puffleman" and got back on the scale, then the weight was 19 pounds. Bobby knows that "Puffleman" weighs 5 pounds.

So there we go!! I try to do that every month and see if they have gained any, or stayed the same, or lost any.

Thanks for letting me ramble-
Betsy C.


  1. My puppy coco is six months old, and weighs 27 pounds.

    1. Wow!! That's great!! You must be taking really good care of him :):)

  2. I've missed a lot over the past weekend! Keep it up, girl!

  3. How old is Ninja? My cat is 3 now, I got him from a Shelter near us too. Sweetest cat alive (out of the ones I've known). Awesome blog! (thanks for giving me the link and commenting on mine! ;) ) I'll make sure to keep up with this!

  4. Ninja is a little over one now:):):)
    Thanks so much for viewing my blog!!!! Only a fellow blogger can understand what it is like to get a new viewer:):) THANKS:):)


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