Sunday, March 24, 2013


I said these words to Ninja, and he just kinda meowed for more food. Guess someone will be recieving a class on apropriate responses. . . . . . . .. .  ..  ANYWAY: MY BABY WON AN AWARD!!!! Ms. Denise  kindly passed it on to Ninja.

My Liebster Award

You must answer the questions (whom I award)

I'm answering them also.

1. What is your favorite flower? Anything that is edible, but I like tulips and roses- just like mommy:)

2. What is the most recent book you read? HOW TO EAT FOOD WITHOUT YOUR MOMMY FINDING OUT- sorry Mommy

3. What is your favorite genre? HMMMMM, of music or food? Well I will answer both of them then! Food: anything and everything. Music: Well I have a favorite band: "THE EXCESSIVE MEOWERS" they meow a lot:):)

4. What is your favorite season? Hmm, well that is very hard. Summer and Winter tie. Summer: Mommy is outside more and there are mean bees that I MUST chase. Winter: Mommy gets cold while she is waiting outside so she snuggles with me extra:)

5. Who is your best friend? Mommy and Shadow tie. But since mommy is reading over my shoulder and complaining (a.k.a. shouting) that she tied with a dog, so Mommy edges out Shadow. (just for you momma)

6. Would you rather sit under a tree or climb it? I don't know. I do both all the time. But I think I prefer climbing it, cuz Shadow can't make fun of me being small. For up on a tree- I am the MIGHTY KITTY!

7. What is your favorite kind of tree? any tree that is big enough for me to climb, and sturdy enough for me to sharpen my nails:) (and sturdy enough to rub off the nail polish mommy painted on my nails, I really don't think she realizes I'm a boy.  .. .)
8. What is your favorite smell?  Food!

9. What is your favorite television show? I don't watch tv. Grandmommy doesn't allow me inside. I sneak in sometimes to blog you though:)

10. Do you have siblings and if so, how many? LOTS! My mommy (real cat mommy) and daddy had lots of litters, so I'm not sure how many. I count Shadow the dog as my brother though:).

11. What color is your fur or hair? My fur is black and grey striped, horizontally, then I have on black vertical stripe on my spine. I has little tiny barely visible splashes of yellow though.

I pass this award onto Annie

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