Friday, December 21, 2012

Yahoo! Answers

Hey guys! I recently answered this question on Yahoo! Answers.

Here is the question:

Are cats mean and sassy and manipulating?

I really want a cat, but there are a few questions I have:

- Why do they hurt dogs even thought most of the dogs are stronger?
- Why do people say cats are sassy and manipulating? I really want a cat but i don't really want a cat that's going to scratches, bites, hiss at ME and attack my dog and me.
- Do they scratch to hurt? If they scratch the furniture or scratch me while playing or in accident, I won't mind as much as if he scratches me because he's mad.
- Are they really independant? I don't want a cat that's going to roam all day and only coming to eat.
- Could they love me? I'd like a pet that could love me as much as I love him.
- Are they like lolcats? Most of the lolcats are cats that are mad, scared, hissing, scratching, or biting.
- Could they cuddle? One of the reason why I like dogs because they cuddle without biting, they COME to cuddle. I don't know if a cat would come to cuddle without biting or scratching.
- Do they understand you? My dog cuddle me when I'm sad, and understand what I feel. I don't know if a cat could reassure me when I'm sad. I really hope a cat could come and cuddle me when i'm crying.
- How to make him love me? My dog prefers my mom which is really frustrating. I hope the cat could love me, not only for the food.
- How to play with them? I don't mind if they scratch me when they're playing, even though i'll tell them no, but I would know he didn't mean it for me to hurt or to be submissive. How can I play?

I hope my cat would treat me as an equal friend, or as a parent, not as a slave, punching bag or food giver.

Thank you :)

My answer

- They hurt dogs in self defense usually. My cat and dog are best friends! They play fight sometimes though.

-People say that because some cats just want to be alone sometimes. My cat loves to cuddle and play- though sometimes he likes to be alone.

-When they are little kittens they will bite and scratch just cause- well why do babies cry? You can train your cat by slapping them lightly or putting them in a cage if they do that. That is what I did- so now my cat never bites or scratches me.

-Some are anti-social, my cat is super social. You need to know that cats won't always want to be with you. You need to respect it's privacy.

-YES!!! My cat loves loves loves loves me!

-yes, at least my cat does. If i sit down he runs over and turns a couple of times then sits down in my lap and starts purring.

-sadly they can't. Maybe so, though. I can't answer this question very well.

-Just be there for your cat. Be there a lot- though don't pick him up A LOT! I pick my cat up a lot, but he already loves me.

-They love if you give them a dangly toy! To prevent them from scratching you, after you play give them some food, as cats are used to after getting prey they eat it.

If you have any more questions or want some help, check me out at my blog:

Hope this helped!!


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